These are the official taxi fare from the Justice and Security Department of the Canton of Basle-City (JSD). This rate represents a maximum rate, which can be undercut.


taxe rate
base charge 6.50  
additional charge on order drive 2.80  
charge 1 per km 4.00 in the city Mo-Sa 06.00-20.00
charge 2 per km 4.50 outside the city and Mo-Sa 20.00-06.00, sundays and official holidays
waiting per hour 74.00  

extra charge tariff
order trip 2.80
large taxi/van 10.00
baby seat up to 36 months 15.00

§ 2 Maximum price
- 2 Agreeing on flat-rate prices is permitted without adhering to the maximum prices.

These prices are in Swiss Francs (CHF) including 8,1% VAT.
Enzo Taxi Basel is not liable to VAT.

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